GPS Insight vehicle tracking system is a service that does all that, and more. No longer is GPS-based tracking and routing an option, not even for a one-truck setup like we had. These days, it’s absolutely necessary. GPS Insight costs around $1.50-2 per day per vehicle, which is offset by a whole slew of benefit (no more labor paid when people aren’t really working, fuel savings, routing efficiencies, etc.). GPS Insight uses GPS satellites and cellular technologies to provide you with highly accurate vehicle locations every 2 minutes throughout the USA and Canada.

The Global Positioning System or simply GPS is a system of satellites and receiving devices used to compute positions on the earth. Though it was created and originally used by the United States military, GPS is now available to the general public all over the world.

From their website:

GPS Insight is a hardware and web software-based vehicle tracking product which is the technical leader in the GPS tracking field. We have the only hardware which is trivial to install (plugs directly into the vehicle’s diagnostics port), we have same-day-shipping, we are the only product which gets direct engine diagnostics (fault codes, speed, fuel consumption, odometer readings, idle time, etc.), and our product gives 2 minute updates with VERY high-end map options and customizations.

GPS Insight gives you the ability to report on:

  • Activity Detail
  • Fuel Consumption
  • Speed Violations
  • Vehicle Performance (Trouble Codes)
  • Landmark Activity
  • Odd Hours
  • Geofence Violation
  • and more
construction, sales force, etc.) and trucking (delivery, long-haul, etc.) companies. If you’re not pigeon-holed into one of those categories, your company will probably benefit from what GPS Insight has to offer, too! Keeping on top of the latest online technology trends, GPS Insight support wiki for customers offers a true wiki experience for service and support (think Wikipedia for GPS Insight). Additionally, they have a Blog for GPS vehicle tracking to keep customers.

January was a busy month for us, we completed a number of customer requests and a few stand out. A sales based customer wanted to allow their salespeople to “text in” stop descriptions such as “stopped at Joe’s Convenience Store to stock the shelves with our product.”

So we now allow our customers to associate their drivers’ everyday cell phones with that vehicle, so that when they text in “gps note here is my note” it will asssociate the “here is my note” (or whatever they text) with that stop. What’s better is you can see the note appear within seconds on our real time updating maps. The red or yellow stop icon for that vehicle changes in real time to show an envelope, indicating a note.

Now if I want to be alerted via text message to when that vehicle starts up to leave, I can text “gps nav parked” and it will begin to monitor that vehicle, sending me a message when it starts up. This is convenient if you are waiting for someone to leave to go to the next stop but don’t want to sit and watch the screen for movement.

Of course, you need to be “logged in” via your cell phone in order to use these and other cell phone capabilities. You do so simply by sending a text message of “gps login username password” where username/password are yours. You also need to sign up for this enhanced capability, which usually costs between $2 and 4 per vehicle per month. At that point you can use any of these capabilities, which are really helpful for some of our customers and for us.

Now I know when my wife will be headed home. That reminds me of a “would-be” customer from years ago who called us to buy a unit to put in his Dad’s car so he would know when he was almost home. The kid seemed like he was in high school. Pretty funny, but we don’t sell for non-commercial purposes, so I guess he has to listen for the garage door like everybody else who doesn’t have GPS Insight…

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